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Medical Engineering Distinguished Seminar Series-Professor Tim Salcudean

Thursday, October 19, 2023
4:00pm to 5:00pm
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Moore B270
Image guided surgery and tissue elasticity imaging using ultrasound
Professor Tim Salcudean, Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the School of Biomedical Engineering, The University of British Columbia,

Abstract: The talk will present a brief survey of my research activities in medical robotics and imaging, with detailed presentations of two applications of ultrasound imaging: guidance for robot-assisted surgery and tissue elasticity imaging.

Many of today's cancer surgeries are carried out with the da Vinci medical robotic systems. Using real-time intra-operative ultrasound, we can overlay pre-operative imaging into the surgeon's console, enabling visualization of sub-surface anatomy and cancer at the same time with the standard laparoscopic camera view. We will discuss the system design, visualization and registration methods that enable such visualization, as well as clinical implementations and preliminary results.

Ultrasound, through image-based tissue strain imaging, enables the quantitative measurement of tissue shear modulus. We will present our shear wave field measurement approach, based on multi-frequency external excitation and volumetric imaging, and our methods for solving and validating the inverse elasticity problems needed for computing the shear modulus distribution in tissue. Different system implementations on commercial and research ultrasound systems will be presented, as well as clinical results in the liver, prostate and breast.

Tim Salcudean has a bachelor and master's degree from McGill and a PhD from Berkeley, all in Electrical Engineering. He was Research Staff Member at IBM's TJ Watson Research center prior to joining the University of British Columbia, where he holds the C.A. Laszlo Chair in Biomedical Engineering. He is on the steering committee of the IPCAI conference, on the program committee of MICCAI and on the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Robotics Research. He is a Fellow of IEEE, MICCAI and of the Canadian Academy of Engineering. His research interests are in medical robotics, in particular the integration of computer vision and ultrasound with medical robots, medical image analysis, ultrasound and elastography imaging.

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