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Among the various centers that EAS and Caltech have we are closely collaborating with the following:


Information Science and Technology
IST is the first integrated research and teaching activity in the country that investigates information from all angles: from the fundamental theoretical underpinnings of information to the science and engineering of novel information substrates, biological circuits, and complex social systems. IST is home to three centers: CMI, CSIS, and the Lee Center.

molecular engineering

Jacobs Institute for Molecular Engineering for Medicine
The Jacobs Institute for Molecular Engineering for Medicine has been established to pursue biomedical research based on molecular engineering to invent the next generation of medicines and medical devices.

Kavli Nanoscience Institute

The Kavli Nanoscience Institute
The KNI is an intellectual hub that emphasizes efforts which transcend traditional disciplinary boundaries. It is home to an advanced nanofabrication and characterization facility that supports nanoscale research and technology on the frontiers of electronics, photonics, quantum matter and information, medical and bio-engineering, and sustainability. The KNI has been a critical element in building interacting systems capable of unprecedented emergent functionality across areas such as photonics, materials science, and biotechnology.

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Micromachining (MEMS) Fabrication Laboratory
Dr. Tai's research is centered on the Caltech MEMS Laboratory that he built at Caltech. This is a 7,000 sq. ft. facility completely devoted to biomedical and MEMS/NEMS device research. This facility has a clean-room lab (~3,000 sq. ft), a CAD lab, and several measurement/metrology labs. It is supporting graduate students, postdocs, visiting scholars and industrial members to develop innovative devices such as neural chips, micro implants, drug delivery devices, etc.

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The Donna and Benjamin M. Rosen Bioengineering Center
The Rosen Bioengineering Center is an interdivisional center that advances both basic scientific exploration and development of engineering analysis and synthetic approaches. Its administration is shared by the Caltech Divisions of Engineering and Applied Science, Biology and Biological Engineering, as well as Chemistry and Chemical Engineering.

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Sensing to Intelligence
Across academia as well as industry, sensors and algorithms traditionally are developed independently of one another. But Caltech takes an unconventional, holistic approach. On campus and at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), which Caltech manages for NASA, researchers work across disciplines to design sensors and algorithms together. The goal is to detect and understand phenomena that once were undetectable, from neural circuits in the brain to rocks on Mars. Caltech's Center for Sensing to Intelligence (S2I) will strengthen existing projects, initiate new collaborations, and train generations of researchers to unite the development of theory, algorithms, and sensor technology. Just imagine the impact this approach will have on human health, scientific discovery, and sustainability.