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Course Schedule

Fall Term 2024-25

Course schedules for upcoming terms are subject to change up to ten weeks before the term begins. Please check this page again to confirm times and locations. [Key to abbreviations]

Medical Engineering

Course (Units/Grade) Subject Instructor Time Room
MedE 99
Undergraduate Research in Medical Engineering Shapiro
- -
MedE 100a
Medical Engineering Seminar Tai / Gao / Wang Th 4:00-4:55 105 ANB
MedE 101
Introduction to Clinical Physiology and Pathophysiology for Engineers TTh 2:30 - 3:55 100 BRD (Rock Auditorium)
EE/MedE 124
Mixed-mode Integrated Circuits TTh 10:30-11:55 B280 MRE
BE/EE/MedE 189a
Design and Construction of Biodevices
(Maximum enrollment: 24 students)
Murray TTh 10:30-11:55 B127 KRK
MedE 291
Research in Medical Engineering Burdick, Goddard, Gao, Emami, Faraon, Gharib, Greer, Hajimiri, Scherer, Tai, Yang, Chandy, Colonius, Ismagilov, Shapiro, Wang, Gradinaru, Daraio, Pachter, Kornfield, Thomson, Andersen, Karthikeyan - -