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Medical Engineering Distinguished Seminar Series, Prof. Srirang Manohar

Thursday, May 19, 2022
12:00pm to 1:00pm
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A photoacoustic-ultrasound transmission breast tomography system: system overview and first imaging results
Professor. Dr. Srirang Manohar, Multi-Modality Medical Imaging, University of Twente, Netherlands,

We have recently developed a hemispherical recording-geometry photoacoustic system for imaging the breast, in a European project called PAMMOTH. One breast at a time of a prone female subject can be imaged in a water-filled imaging bowl whose inner surface has 40 laser-light injection points and 512 ultrasound transducers distributed. The bowl and its contents can be rotated around the breast to acquire additional projections. The ultrasound transducers detect the photoacoustic signals, but can also be used to generate ultrasound for transmission-mode tomography. Three-dimensional multi-spectral photoacoustic images and sound-speed images are reconstructed from the acquired projections. The latter images provide actual sound speed values for improved photoacoustic reconstruction. We present an overview of the imaging system and demonstrate its performance on breast phantoms and healthy volunteer breasts.

Biography: Srirang Manohar works primarily on photoacoustic imaging. His research spans technology development to early clinical assessment. The intended applications of the technologies span the range of ex vivo tissue imaging, minimally invasive imaging to non-invasive. He coordinated the H2020 project, PAMMOTH running from 2017-2021.

Hosted by Lihong Wang

For more information, please contact Christine Garske by email at or visit