The 8th International Bio-Fluid Symposium
Under the Auspices of the US National Committee on Biomechanics (USNCB), The Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES), International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE), and California Institute of Technology, Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Department of Medical Engineering
Date: February 12–14, 2016
Location: All sessions are on the Caltech campus
Shmuel Einav
Mory Gharib
Organizing Committee
Bluestein D., Einav S., Elad D., Gharib M., Kheradvar A.
Anayiotos A., Barthès-Biesel D., Bar-Yoseph P., Bertram C., Doorly D., Ethier R., Fogelson A., Gaver D., Giddes D., Gijsen F., Horner M., Kajiya F., Kamm R., Kassab G., King M., Krams R., Lieber B., Lim C.T., Long M., Lopes P., Manning K., Moore J., Pedley T., Redaelli A., Secomb T., Segers P., Siebes M., Slepian M., Sotiropoulos F., Spencer S., Steinman D., Steinseifer U., Swartz M., Sznitman J., Tang D., Tarbell J., Taylor C., Wada S., Weinbaum S., Wenzel J., Yakhot A., Yoganathan A.
Maintain the tradition, excellency and spirit of the International Bio-fluid Mechanics Symposia that have evolved to be an opportunity for reviewing recent major milestones and achievements in all areas of biofluid mechanics, experimental and computational, from molecule and cell to organ levels.
To gather scientists, clinicians, and practitioners from around the world to assess the latest frontiers of Bio-Fluid Mechanics, and to set important directions for further research and development, and education. The symposium will provide an opportunity for investigator to interact with peers, young and seniors, for development of new collaborations, as well as enhancement of existing ones.
- Patient-Specific Models
- Multiscale Simulations
- Cardiovascular Flows
- Respiratory Flows
- Reproductive Flows
- Lymphatic Flows
- Biological Flows (embryology, neurology)
- Fluid-Structure Interaction
- Swimming of Organisms
- Biofluids & Medical Devices
- Nano & Micro Biofluids
- Clinical Applications
John Tarbell, City College of New York, NY, USA
Mark Alber, University of Notre Dame, IN, USA
Martha Salcedo
Mail Code 105-50
1200 East California Boulevard
Pasadena CA 91125, USA
Tel: 626-395-4450
Fax: 626-449-2677
Thursday, February 11, 2016
18:00-21:00 Registration, Social gathering & Reception — Caltech, Pasadena
Friday, February 12, 2016
7:00-8:00 Conference Breakfast, Caltech
8:00-10:00 Clinical applications of Cardiac Flow Simulations (6 presentations of 20 min each)
Flow Analysis of Coronary Circulation.
Alberto Redaelli,
In vitro and in silico tools for Mitraclip® system appraisal.
David Ku,
Clinical validation of hemodynamic model for shear rate thrombosis.
Barry Lieber,
In vivo evaluation of the angiographic washout coefficient parameter to predict flow diversion efficacy.
Marvin Slepian,
Platelet activation and MCS: What does it really mean? How can it be modulated to improve patient outcomes?
Emiliano Votta,
Towards the comprehensive analysis of the in vivo biomechanics of the BAV-affected aortic root.
Coffee Break
10:30-11:30 Keynote Speakers
John Tarbell, City College NY, USA.
Fluid Mechanics, vascular disease and the glycocalyx.
11:30-12:50 Respiratory Flows & Clinical Applications (4 presentations of 20 min each)
Reduced dimension modeling of recruitment/derecruitment dynamics in the lung.
Samir Ghadiali,
Patient-specific modeling of Eustachian tube dysfunction: Role of interfacial forces and surfactant therapy.
Josue Sznitman,
Unraveling the mysteries of respiratory airflows in the pulmonary acinar depths.
Satoshi Li,
Computational study of crackle sounds: Monolithic approach for airway dynamics.
12:50-14:20 Lunch Break
14:20-16:20 Cardiovascular Flows I (6 presentations of 20 min each)
Development of computational tools to aid in the study of device-induced thrombosis.
Naomi Chesler,
Arterial hemodynamic and ventricular consequences of pulmonary arterial hypertension: Preclinical and clinical studies.
Kerem Pekkan,
Non-dimensional physics of pulsatile cardiovascular networks and energy loss.
Idit Avrahami,
Experimental and numerical study of approaches for treatment of aortic arch aneurysm.
Lakshmi Dasi,
Influence of anatomic valve conditions and coronary flow aortic sinus hemodynamics.
Leif Rune Hellevik,
Applications of uncertainty quantification for cardiovascular models with baroreceptor feedback.
16:20-16:50 Coffee Break
16:50-18:50 Cardiovascular Flows II (6 presentations of 20 min each)
Physiological blood-tissue interaction in cardiac mechanics: Adaptation and heart failure.
Vitaliy Rayz,
Computational modeling of blood flow in cerebral aneurysms.
Arvind Santhanakrishnan,
Interventricular filling under increasing left ventricle wall stiffness: Implications for HFNEF.
Iman Borazjani,
A dimensionless parameter for quantifying the risk rupture of intracranial aneurysms.
Arash Kheradvar,
Volumetric Echocardiographic Particle Image Velocimetry (V-Echo-PIV).
Philippe Sucosky,
Experimental assessment of the effects of bicuspid aortic valve morphotype on ascending aorta hemodynamics.
19:00-22:00 Valentine Party & Wine & Beer
Saturday, February 13, 2016
7:00-8:00 Conference Breakfast, Caltech
8:00-10:00 Multi-Scale and Patient-Specific Cardiovascular Flows (6 presentations of 20 min each)
Luis Cardoso, City College NY, USA.
On the relationship microcalcifications in fibrous caps to the calcification patterns in the lipid pool/necrotic beneath them.
Danny Bluestein,
A predictive multiscale model for simulating platelets activation in shear flows.
Dalin Tang,
MRI-PET/CT-Based FSI modeling with plaque components and inflammation for human carotid plague assessment.
Charles Taylor,
Clinical application of patient-specific modeling of coronary artery blood.
Shawn Shadden,
Multi-scale image-based hemodynamics modeling.
Patrick Segers,
Fluid-structure interaction simulations in mouse models of atherosclerosis and/or AAA: complementing imaging and biological data.
10:00-10:30 Coffee Break
10:30-11:30 Keynote Speakers
Mark Alber, University of Notre Dame, USA.
Multi-scale model of platelets adhesion to vessel wall in blood flow.
11:30-12:50 Flow Induced Mechanobiology (4 presentations of 20 min each)
Regional differences in left ventricular shear stress correspond to heterogeneity of the endocardial endothelial transcriptone.
Roger Kamm,
Experiments and models of tumor cell extravasation.
Eitan Kimmel,
Nanometric scale fluid dynamics of pressure induced cell membrane fluctuations.
Rob Krams,
Mechanosensitive signalling pathways adapt during TCFA formation.
12:50-14:20 Lunch Break
14:20-16:20 New Analytic & Computational Simulations (6 presentations of 20 min each)
Modeling and computational simulation of hemodynamically-induced atherosclerosis.
Ajit Yoganathan,
Colorful Fluid Dynamics - The Fall of the Roman Empire.
Alexander Yakhot,
A new method for estimating the degree of stenosis from pressure-velocity measurements.
Cyrus Aidun,
The physics of platelet margination in blood flow.
Irene Vignon-Clementel,
Data driven choice of reduced model parameterization for multi scale cardiovascular and respiratory applications.
David Elad,
Fluid-structure interaction simulations of biological flows.
16:20-16:50 Coffee Break
16:50-18:50 Cardiovascular Flows III (6 presentations of 20 min each)
Hemodynamics and bicuspid valve aortopathies: Image-guided computational studies.
Alejandro Roldán-Alzate,
Comprehensive analysis of total cavo-pulmonary connection hemodynamics with in vivo and in vitro 4D MRI and CFD.
Spencer Sherwin,
Understanding the fluid mechanics behind transverse shear stress.
Yaling Liu,
Truncated model for blood flow in a heterogeneous vasculature.
Natanel Korin,
Shear response nanomedicine for targeted drug delivery.
Michael Plesniak,
MRV-based elucidation of arterial secondary flow structures.
19:00-22:00 Buffet Dinner; Posters & Wine & Beer
Sunday, February 14, 2016
7:00-8:00 Conference Breakfast, Caltech
8:00-10:20 Lymphatic and Biological Flows (7 presentations of 20 min each)
Modelling of and experiments on secondary lymphatic vascular valves.
Brandon Dixon,
Quantifying and modeling lymphatic fluid transport in health and disease.
Juan Jimenez,
Lymphedema contributes to altered lymphatic flow.
Megan Leftwich,
An investigation into the role of fluid dynamics in human birth.
Laura Miller,
The fluid dynamics and electrophysiology of pumping in the embryonic chordate heart.
Sang Joon Lee,
Flow phenomena in natural pumps of insects.
Hiroshi Nakamoto,
Functional and structural changes of glomerular filtration in early diabetic rats.
10:20-10:50 Coffee Break
10:50-12:30 Cellular Biofluids (5 presentations of 20 min each)
LEAD LECTURE: George Karniadakis, Brown University, USA.
Multiscale modeling of hematological disorders.
Peter Weinberg,
Visualization of three pathways for macromolecule transport across cultured endothelium and their modification by flow.
Geert Schmid-Schonbein,
The Autodigestion Hypothesis.
Paul Atzberger,
Fluctuating hydrodynamic thermostats for kinetic coarse-grained implicit-solvent simulations of lipid bilayer membranes.
Anne Virginie Salsac,
Transient behavior of liquid drops with a polymerized interface.
12:30-13:30 Lunch Break
13:30-15:00 Post-Docs Sessions I (8 presentations of 10 min each)
Chairman and Introduction: Shelly Weinbaum, CCNY
High resolution pressure drop for combined functional and biomechanical assessment of coronary stenoses.
Alireza Yazdani,
Lucas Timminis,
CFD and coronary artery disease: Towards employing WSS to guide clinical decisions.
Jessica Oakes,
Translating respiratory tract particle deposition predictions from rat to human.
Jaiyoung Ryu,
Numerical study on cerebrovascular reactivity during hyperventilation and CO 2 inhalation tests.
John Gounley,
Modeling the pressure gradient in patient-specific aortal geometries.
Ahmad Falahatpisheh,
Shape characterization of vortex rings formed downstream of a model of mitral valve.
Debanjan Mukherjee,
Characterizing embolus transport to the circle of Willis.
15:00-15:20 Coffee Break
15:20-16:20 Post-Docs Sessions II (5 presentations of 10 min each)
Pumping mechanics, pressure fields, and flow fields of the embryonic heart during cardiac looping.
Vrishank Raghav,
Measurement of pulsatile wall shear stress using micro sensor.
Alexander Serov,
A Mathematical Model of Oxygen Transport in the Human Placenta.
Zhenglun Wei,
Effect of pulsatile boundary conditions on modeling the hemodynamics in total cavopulmonary connections.
Niema Pahlevan,
On the Optimality of Cardiovascular Systemic Circulation.
16:20-17:00 General Discussion
17:00 Adjournment
Cyrus Aidun, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA.
Analysis of blood damage in adult and pediatric BMHVs – a case study with the entropic Lattice-Boltzmann method.
Roxana Aldea, University of Southhampton, UK.
Modelling the role of the vasomotor response in the perivascular drainage of solutes from the aged brain. Implications for Alzheimer's disease.
Amirhossein Arzani, University of California, Berkeley, USA.
Quantification of near-wall stagnation and concentration with wall shear stress.
Mahdi Asgari, University of Zurich, Switzerland.
Brain water transport and astrocyte networks.
Nicolas Battista, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA.
Tubular heart pumping mechanisms in Ciona Intestinalis.
Shantanu Bhat, Monash University, Australia.
Effect of aspect ratio, Reynolds number and elasticity on flapping wings.
Iman Borazjani, Sunny Boffalo, USA.
Flow-induced platelet activation in simulations of artificial heart valves.
Kai Cao, University of Notre Dame, USA.
Quantification of the effect of bicuspid aortic valve morphotype on ascending aorta hemodynamics.
Peter Davies, University of Pennsylvania, USA.
The epigenomic code is an important regulatory mechanism of hemodynamics-dependent endothelial biology.
Giuseppe Di Labbio, Concordia University, USA.
Jet-vortex interaction in the left ventricle during diastole in the presence of aortic regurgitation.
Alexandra Diem, University of Southampton, UK.
The role of blood flow and arterial pulsations in the brain lymphatic system.
Barak Even Chen, Tel-Aviv University, Israel.
The effect of aortic valve replacement on the coronary perfusion – an experimental study.
Ahmad Falahatpisheh, UC Irvine, USA.
Significance of negligence of the unsteady term of Bernoulli equation in pressure drop estimation.
Arianna Forneris, University of Calgary, Canada.
Imaged-based CFD model and hemodynamic indices of complicated and uncomplicated type B aortic dissections.
Bomi Gweon, Hanyang University, South Korea.
Mechanical phenotype change of bovine aortic endothelial cells depending on the substrate stiffness.
Kirk Hansen, University of California, Berkeley, USA.
Reduced-order models of thrombogenic potential.
Evan Kao, UCSF, USA.
Patient-specific CFD analysis of flow patterns in the jugular vein.
Pavel Kozlovsky, Tel-Aviv University, Israel.
Analyzing the optimal mechanism for driving unidirectional blood flow in the tubular embryonic heart.
Pavel Kozlovsky, Tel-Aviv University, Israel.
Embryo-specific 3D model of blood flow in the zebrafish heart.
Anthony McDougal, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA.
Simulated, hypoxic cadiomyocytes underutilize oxygen.
Priya Nair, Arizona State University, USA.
Hemodynamic characterization of idealized sidewall aneurysm templates using computational fluid dynamics.
Viet Anh Nguyen, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy.
Numerical simulation of bileaflet mechanical heart valves under changes in cardiac cycle length.
Yan Ostrovsky, Technion IIT, Israel.
Regional deposition in the pulmonary acinus using magnetic particles.
Oren Rotman, Stony Brook University, USA.
Development of a novel polymeric valve for transcatheter aortic valve replacement procedure.
Lihi Shachar Berman, Technion IIT, Israel.
Transport and deposition of non-spherical aerosols in pulmonary oscillatory shear flows.
Hagit Stauber, Technion IIT, Israel.
Red blood cell dispersion in microfluidic models of pulmonary capillary networks: role of geometry and hematocrit.
Jana Tenenbaum Katan, Technion IIT, Israel.
Respiratory flows during early childhood: In-silico and in-vitro models of therapeutic aerosols in the developing airways.
Berk Yigit, Carnegie Mellon University, USA.
Patient specific first stage neonatal shunt hemodynamics.
Shaily Wald, Tel-Aviv University, Israel.
The effect of aortic valve replacement on the coronary perfusion – a numerical study.
Rou-Qian Wang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA.
Controlling flow limitation of Starling resistor.
Dar Weiss, Tel-Aviv University, Israel.
Quantification of short peripheral catheter thrombophlebitis in a swine model using MRI.
Jiacheng Wu, University of California, Berkeley, USA.
Coupled simulation of vascular growth and remodeling, hemodynamics and stress-mediated mechanotransduction.
Mengjia XU, Northeastern University, China.
Thoracic aorta OCT image segmentation based on deep CNN learning with fractional kernels.
Rachel Zielinski, Ohio State University, USA.
Using free-surface modeling techniques to simulate cancer cell deformation and invasion in fibrous tissue.